Lost in a Dakota County park? Help is on the way, thanks to new signs.

Here is a story of a rider and a horse that were saved in a Dakota County Park in Minnesota, because of those blue USNG signs.

Here is an excerpt from the story with a link to the rest of the article:

Dakota-County-Park-Signs-with-USNG-MarkersIt wasn’t a typical 911 call: last fall, a horseback rider wandered into Whitetail Woods Regional Park and became lost. Then his horse fell through a boardwalk and got stuck in the mud.

The caller reported his location using an eight-digit number found on a nearby trail post. First responders located him quickly and saved the horse, said Randy Knippel, geographic information system manager for Dakota County.

For Knippel, it’s a success story demonstrating the value of emergency location markers, a system he’s encouraged county parks to implement.

Link to the Startribune article Erin Sadler here.

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