About the Florida Today Hurricane Preparedness Map

Link to open the Florida Today Hurricane Preparedness map:

This map is displayed in your browser by Gmap4 which is an enhanced google map viewer. If you have not done so already, please take a moment and read the following "Tips" to learn how to: Tips for using Gmap4 to view these maps

Tip: To turn GIS overlay layers on and off, open the menu that lets you change the basemap. After that menu opens on a desktop/laptop you will see a column labeled "Overlays" and on a mobile device you will need to scroll down to the "Overlays" section. Click/touch an overlay layer to turn it on and again to turn it off. Also, look near the bottom of the list of built-in basemaps to see if the map includes any additional basemaps.

Gmap4 displays data that others have prepared. Gmap4 does not have any control over the appearance, completeness or correctness of the data that you see on the map.

Florida Today Hurricane Preparedness map

These map legends are hosted on the same GIS servers that are hosting the data. These links will often display legend information for data layers that are not on the map. Use the layer name and layer number that you see below to find the correct symbology in the map legend.

CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:
CLICK HERE to see the legend for:

The FEMA shelter layers display data from the FEMA National Shelter System (NSS) database. The FEMA NSS database is synchronized every morning with the American Red Cross shelter database. After this daily refresh, FEMA GIS connects every 20 minutes to the FEMA NSS database looking for any shelter updates that occur throughout the day in the FEMA NSS.